Does 2022 suck already?

Dear Beautiful Heaux’s,


2022 has started off with a BANG!  Collectively, I think we have been hoping that this year would just ease itself in and not cause any problems but alas, that has not been the case.

Just here in my hometown we have had 6 earthquakes of 2.5 magnitude, a freak windstorm last night that has shut down businesses and toppled a tree onto my dads house, excessive rain and of course we can not forget the loss of Betty White just as 2021 was ending.

To be honest, the chaos of the past years and the fact that 2022 is coming in hot makes me not want to make New Years resolutions.  Usually, I already have a mantra for the year picked out and 2 or 3 resolutions for each sector of my life.  But not this year.  It seems to risky.

For all that gloom and doom though, things at Heaux Apparel are exciting right now.  I have taken over as the sole owner of the business which is amazing.  This means that all the successes are mine, but also all the failures are mine.  That is a scary proposition, but I didn’t start this company to fail so I know it’s going to succeed.

The first line of Heaux Apparel products is on the way, and they should hit our store by the end of the month.  For me, that is huge, and it is only the beginning.  I also have my eye on some high-end lines that I want to bring in, and a few rave/festival wear lines that I am currently sampling to see if they will hold up to all our time on the pole.

As scary as the world is right outside my door currently (the wind is howling) things here in the Heaux Apparel office and warehouse are the complete opposite.  I have hope and great optimism that this is our year.

So here’s to a fabulous 2022.  We already know there are going to be highs and lows, but here’s to manifesting the highest of highs without the lows to match.  We got this.

Susan Bartley, owner
Heaux Apparel

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