Legendary Flexibility

  • Legendary Flexibility

Legendary Flexibility


Sometimes to be great you have to step outside and consult the legends.  Jon Call aka @jujimufu is one of the most impressive athletes on the scene today.  His mass to flexibility ratio defies commonly held theories about size and flexibility.  He is not a pole dancer, but he is a man full of knowledge about how to be more bendy and he is willing to share his knowledge with us mere mortals.

Here is what Jon says about his book:

"The legends will say there are no secrets, just hard work. But that's not true. The legends put their secrets to hard work, and that's what made them legends. Through my 20+ years of training flexibility, I've figured out a whole book worth of things nobody could teach me, that you won't find anywhere else. These are my secrets, and I don't want to keep them for myself. Put them to life with hard work and you'll get the flexibility gains you've been missing out on."

  • 225+ pages
  • Tons of color images demonstrating exercises
  • Dozens of embedded videos (over an hour of instruction)
  • Full routines and programming

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